WHITESTAG - Interaktive Virtual Reality Filme


Many people ask what is the difference is between linear and interactive virtual reality films.
The linear 360° 3D VR movie has a beginning and an end between which the movie runs like a classic movie.
Due to the high immersion of a 360° 3D film, you are completely immersed in the film. You are virtually in the middle of it.
However, you can only follow the action as an observing viewer.

In contrast, with an interactive 360° 3D film, you can enjoy the advantages of the high immersion of a linear film and additionally actively shape the film. By means of eye control, you can decide within the film where you go, what you watch, who you talk to, etc.

The interactive film is an experience that not only picks up the viewer but also gives him the feeling of making the film his own. to make the film his own. Our team at WHITESTAG creates the story behind the experience, produces the 360° 3D footage, and creates the interactivity of the film based on the storyboard.

We make the future come alive!



WHITESTAG - Virtuelles Cottbus

Within this interactive world, the customer can move through the city of Cottbus and, depending on his or her area of interest, explore places, information or interlocutors of the business and science location, the municipal companies, the tourist highlights or the leisure and cultural opportunities of the city. More than 100 video sequences allow for a virtual film experience lasting more than an hour.

Comprehensive School Spree-Neiße

WHITESTAG - Gesamtschule Spree-Neiße Elternversion

In order to give future students and parents an impression of a comprehensive school under construction nowadays, modern media such as VR is needed.
For this purpose, two versions of an interactive 360° 3D film were produced. One with teachers and one with students as protagonists in order to pick up both target groups in the best possible way.

Premiere: October 2021

Premiere: October 2021

From flax
to linen

WHITESTAG - Sorben Film

The modern museum uses more and more modern media to fulfill its preservation mission in the best possible way. For the Wendish-German Museum Jänschwalde WHITESTAG created an interactive time travel as a 360° 3D film. The visitors can interactively experience the rural life of the Wends and Sorbs 100 years ago and witness the flax processing from sowing to weaving the linen.

Brandenburg University of Technology

WHITESTAG - BTU Brandenburgische Technische Universität

In 2020, this interactive image film of the mechanical engineering course at the „Brandenburg Technical University“ was created. This pilot project is designed to give prospective students an interactive experience of life and studying. Young people can explore the campus in this virtual world, talk to students and lecturers, visit laboratories and get a feel and a lot of information about the study program.
In 2021 and 2022, 5 more degree programs will be produced as an interactive VR experience by WHITESTAG.

Premiere: September 2021

Premiere: March 2021